Cervical disc herniation
A cervical disc herniation occurs in the neck region, where gelatinous material inside a spinal disc puts pressure on the outer wall. This can lead to neck pain, tingling, numbness, or weakness in the arms.
Results of a surgery for 2 herniated discs
A 47-year-old patient has suffered from severe muscle deficit in the upper limbs for more than two and a half years, due to 2 herniated cervical discs pressing on the spinal cord and nerve roots.
Around 72 hours after the operation, she regained more than 95% of her muscle strength and the pain had completely disappeared and she will continue physiotherapy.
3 hernias pressing on the spinal cord and nerve roots
Patient of 53 years old. She has been suffering from severe muscle weakness in her upper limbs and left leg for more than 3 years, due to 3 cervical discs pressing on the spinal cord and nerve roots.
About 48 hours after the operation, she regained more than 90% of her muscle strength and will continue with physical therapy.
How beautiful is the tear of joy in the eyes of a sick person who has been cured.